Gillian Cooper
Step 4 of 6 to ease financial pressure
In this step we will consider the impact financial strain can have on our quality of life. We aim to help you understand the ongoing increase in the use of UK food banks, as well as offering tips on how to begin building on your savings to avoid this cost-of-living crisis.
Gillian Cooper
Step 3 of 6 to ease financial pressure
So far, you have received 2 of our FREE 6 Steps on easing financial pressure. In this post we will be looking at household debt and its impact. Plus, don’t miss out on Step 3: our easy-to-use guide to reviewing any debt you may have.
Gillian Cooper
Step 2 of 6 to ease financial pressure
Last time we offered tips on how best to manage your money, with a handy budget planner to save you time. In this blog we’ll look at the impact of financial pressure - plus advice on how you could be saving over £4,000 a year!
Gillian Cooper
Step 1 of 6 to ease financial pressure
We've put together 6 Steps series on easing financial pressure. This blog gives you access to our first step, which is one that anyone can do and will give you a better picture of where your money goes.
Gillian Cooper
NowSure have launched an online calculator tool that aims to take the confusion out of income protection cover.
The tool is used to work out what state provision might be available if someone who suffers an accident or sickness which stops them from working, as well as if they are made involuntarily unemployed.
Sabrina Jillah
On Friday 11th March, NowSure had a #DressLouder Day to fundraise for Target Ovarian Cancer, in support of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
The team dressed in their brightest clothes - we had bright tops, neon tutus, pink wigs and even some crazy glitter footwear.
Sabrina Jillah
March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Not many people are aware of this type of cancer, yet it is the fifth most common cancer among women, so it is especially important to spread awareness.
The main issue is that diagnosis mostly happens after the cancer has already spread - making treatment more difficult, and leading to the UK having the worst survival rates in Europe. This can change if there is more awareness, and if there are improvements in detection, treatment and ultimately survival.
Gillian Cooper
Step 3 of 6 to ease financial pressure
So far, you have received 2 of our FREE 6 Steps on easing financial pressure. In this post we will be looking at household debt and its impact. Plus, don’t miss out on Step 3: our easy-to-use guide to reviewing any debt you may have.