Gillian Cooper
Step 4 of 6 to ease financial pressure
In this step we will consider the impact financial strain can have on our quality of life. We aim to help you understand the ongoing increase in the use of UK food banks, as well as offering tips on how to begin building on your savings to avoid this cost-of-living crisis.
Gillian Cooper
Step 3 of 6 to ease financial pressure
So far, you have received 2 of our FREE 6 Steps on easing financial pressure. In this post we will be looking at household debt and its impact. Plus, don’t miss out on Step 3: our easy-to-use guide to reviewing any debt you may have.
Gillian Cooper
Step 2 of 6 to ease financial pressure
Last time we offered tips on how best to manage your money, with a handy budget planner to save you time. In this blog we’ll look at the impact of financial pressure - plus advice on how you could be saving over £4,000 a year!
Gillian Cooper
Step 1 of 6 to ease financial pressure
We've put together 6 Steps series on easing financial pressure. This blog gives you access to our first step, which is one that anyone can do and will give you a better picture of where your money goes.
Insurance news
Newly-single Brits might benefit from better financial protection, an expert has suggested.
The advice follows a survey by life insurer Aviva, which showed 40% of divorcees are financially worse off in the aftermath of a breakdown.
Sabrina Jillah
It can’t have escaped you that the Christmas ads have started popping up everywhere you look. The panic of having to buy all those presents, who gets what, Christmas decorations, wrapping paper, all that food – and breathe!
Do not panic and put everything on your credit card, it’s best to budget and prevent yourself going into debt. You don’t want to have a huge bill to pay in January and then have nothing left to pay for the essentials. We’ve a few ideas here to help.
Insurance news
Families living in rented accommodation are less likely to have a life insurance policy in place than homeowners, according to new research.
Just one in five (20%) of people who rent privately are covered, compared to nearly half (48%) who own their home.
Gillian Cooper
It’s the perfect opportunity to dust off your comfiest trainers, put on your walking jacket and discover what your area has to offer.