1 in 6 households cannot make ends meet

Gillian Cooper
Step 4 of 6 to ease financial pressure
In this step we will consider the impact financial strain can have on our quality of life. We aim to help you understand the ongoing increase in the use of UK food banks, as well as offering tips on how to begin building on your savings to avoid this cost-of-living crisis.

Review your borrowing

Gillian Cooper
Step 3 of 6 to ease financial pressure
So far, you have received 2 of our FREE 6 Steps on easing financial pressure. In this post we will be looking at household debt and its impact. Plus, don’t miss out on Step 3: our easy-to-use guide to reviewing any debt you may have.

More than 25m people in Britian rated their anxiety as “high” survey finds

Gillian Cooper
Step 2 of 6 to ease financial pressure
Last time we offered tips on how best to manage your money, with a handy budget planner to save you time. In this blog we’ll look at the impact of financial pressure - plus advice on how you could be saving over £4,000 a year!

More than 8 million people in the UK are struggling with problem debt

Gillian Cooper
Step 1 of 6 to ease financial pressure
We've put together 6 Steps series on easing financial pressure. This blog gives you access to our first step, which is one that anyone can do and will give you a better picture of where your money goes.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 2 – “The One Stop Shop”

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the second instalment in her blog post.
Well my GP was good to her word – I saw her on the 22nd April and I got my appointment at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) on 10th May, 3 days before my 45th birthday. So the morning arrived and I drove into Aberdeen and headed for the visitors car park.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 3 – “Biopsy & Results”

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We were honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs.
This is the third instalment in her blog post.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 4 – “Doctors Appointment”

Ruth Taylor
ruth hubbie.jpg
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the fifth instalment in her guest blog.
So, the day arrived and we were quite quickly called through from the waiting room to the same consulting room that I had been in when I met Mr Masannat for the first time.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 4 – “Waiting for the biopsy results”

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the fourth instalment in her guest blog.
Once I was home from the ordeal of the biopsy I spent a good while just hugging Andrew and I let the tears come. I felt so emotionally drained and very small and vulnerable. I was so glad it was over but in the back of my mind I felt that this was going to be just the beginning.