We love the NHS

Gillian Cooper
It's coming up to a year since a choir comprised of NHS staff beat popstar Justin Bieber to the Christmas number one spot. The mash-up of Simon & Garfunkel and Coldplay hits, called 'A Bridge Over You', sold some 127,000 copies and had music commentators hail it one of the most unlikely chart successes for years.
One man, however, wasn't quite as surprised by the achievement.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 3 – “Biopsy & Results”

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We were honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs.
This is the third instalment in her blog post.

A breast cancer patient’s journey – Blog Post 2 – “The One Stop Shop”

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs. This is the second instalment in her blog post.
Well my GP was good to her word – I saw her on the 22nd April and I got my appointment at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) on 10th May, 3 days before my 45th birthday. So the morning arrived and I drove into Aberdeen and headed for the visitors car park.

Winter is coming, so what’s the deal with seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

Christine Kapak
Back in October, the clocks went back. It marked the transition from autumn to early winter where the days were suddenly shorter and darker. For most of us, the change was insignificant - we simply got an extra hour in bed.
However for others, this change brought on the ‘winter blues’ or medically ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ (commonly known as SAD).

1 in 6 households cannot make ends meet

Gillian Cooper
Step 4 of 6 to ease financial pressure
In this step we will consider the impact financial strain can have on our quality of life. We aim to help you understand the ongoing increase in the use of UK food banks, as well as offering tips on how to begin building on your savings to avoid this cost-of-living crisis.

10 Easy Ways to get Fit and Healthy in the New Year

Sabrina Jillah
With it recently being in the news that obesity could be linked to over half a million more people getting cancer in the next 20 years*, now is the time to make sure you are being healthy. Being overweight is also linked to diabetes and coronary heart disease.
You can protect yourself financially with products such as Female Cancer Cover, but you would be wise to protect your body by having a healthier lifestyle too. The New Year is often a great time to start a fitness routine, but it is easy to give up towards to end of the month. Make sure you start with easy targets that so that you can keep going. Here are some simple ways to start:

5 Tips to Stay Safe this Bonfire Night

Gillian Cooper
Bonfire Night 0511 - sml.jpg
November is here and that can only mean one thing – Fireworks Night! Getting all wrapped up with your hats and gloves on, and going outside to watch the pretty displays in the sky, with a warm bonfire in the distance.
An organised display always has a great atmosphere, and suddenly it’s not so depressing that it gets dark early in the evenings. Of course many of us like to do our own fireworks displays in the garden, which can be good fun but it always pays to be safe – the last thing we want is for any accidents to happen. Here are our tip 5 tips to staying safe this Bonfire Night.

A breast cancer patient's journey - introducing #RuthsJourney

Ruth Taylor
Ruth Taylor, 45, is a mum of two who was diagnosed with breast cancer back in May 2016. We are honoured to share her journey from initial diagnosis, informing her family, through to chemo and radiotherapy. She hopes to raise awareness and educate others about breast cancer, while firmly kicking cancer back where it belongs.
Where do I start? I suppose the best place would be at the beginning, but in my true disorganised style I am starting this 5 months later, so I am part way through “my journey”, but I made some notes of key dates and milestones and I have been told I have the memory of an elephant, not for useful stuff like who are the presenters of The Great British Bake Off, but for things like “she said that” and “that made me feel like this”.