Accident Protection Plan

  • £150,000 cash benefit for accidental death, helping your loved ones to cope
  • Pays you £300 for every 24 hours you spend in hospital as the result of an accident. For example, for 7 nights in hospital you could get £2,100 and you can make multiple hospitalisation claims up to £54,000, a maximum of 180 days across all claims during the lifetime of the policy
  • Guaranteed acceptance for UK residents aged 18-69
  • Covers you in and out of work, anywhere in the world
  • This policy is underwritten by Stonebridge International Insurance Ltd.

Things to consider
- Cover ends at age 70
- There is no cash-in value at any time
- Your chosen cover meets your needs

This Accident Protection Plan provides you with a daily cash pay out should you end up in hospital as the result of an accident or if the worst was to happen, it provides a lump sum benefit to your loved ones in the event of your accidental death.

What’s covered?
• Accidental Death - £150,000 cash lump sum payout should you die as the result of an accident; 
• Accident Hospitalisation - £300 per day if you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, as the result of an accident (Up to a maximum of 180 days across all claims during the lifetime of the policy).

As long as you (and your partner, if covered on the policy) are UK residents and aged 18 to 69 then acceptance is guaranteed and there are no medicals or questionnaires to complete. You can be covered until you reach age 70.

You can enjoy peace of mind knowing your insurance is in place 24 hours a day, every day – even if you’re travelling abroad.

The plan is designed to keep up with rising costs, so to ensure that your cover maintains its value your benefits and premiums are automatically increased by 5% each year, until the maximum benefits are reached - £200,000 for the Accidental Death benefit and £400 per night for the Accident Hospitalisation benefit. Premiums do not increase with age.

What’s not covered?
Death or hospitalisation as a result of: 
• natural causes or suicide;
• consumption of excessive alcohol or use of illegal drugs; 
• an illegal or reckless act on your part; 
• while on duty as a member of the Armed Forces or as a member of the reserve forces; 
• any flying activity other than on a registered commercial airline; 
• war or any act of war; 
• competing in any kind of race other than on foot or while swimming; 
• participating in diving, underwater diving, mountaineering / rock climbing, potholing or parachuting; 
• motorcycling (including riding mopeds and motor tricycles) as a driver or a passenger.

For a full explanation of the terms and conditions, please read the policy documents carefully. You can find these on the “Policy Docs” tab.

The plan is underwritten by Stonebridge International Insurance Ltd, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, register number 203188. Union Income Benefit Holdings Ltd and Stonebridge International Insurance Ltd are both members of the same group of Companies and are ultimately owned and controlled by the Parent Company Embignell Ltd, registered in England no 05871053.

What is it?

This Accident Protection Plan provides you with a daily cash pay out should you end up in hospital as the result of an accident or if the worst was to happen, it provides a lump sum benefit to your loved ones in the event of your accidental death.

What’s covered?
• Accidental Death - £150,000 cash lump sum payout should you die as the result of an accident; 
• Accident Hospitalisation - £300 per day if you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, as the result of an accident (Up to a maximum of 180 days across all claims during the lifetime of the policy).

As long as you (and your partner, if covered on the policy) are UK residents and aged 18 to 69 then acceptance is guaranteed and there are no medicals or questionnaires to complete. You can be covered until you reach age 70.

You can enjoy peace of mind knowing your insurance is in place 24 hours a day, every day – even if you’re travelling abroad.

The plan is designed to keep up with rising costs, so to ensure that your cover maintains its value your benefits and premiums are automatically increased by 5% each year, until the maximum benefits are reached - £200,000 for the Accidental Death benefit and £400 per night for the Accident Hospitalisation benefit. Premiums do not increase with age.

What’s not covered?
Death or hospitalisation as a result of: 
• natural causes or suicide;
• consumption of excessive alcohol or use of illegal drugs; 
• an illegal or reckless act on your part; 
• while on duty as a member of the Armed Forces or as a member of the reserve forces; 
• any flying activity other than on a registered commercial airline; 
• war or any act of war; 
• competing in any kind of race other than on foot or while swimming; 
• participating in diving, underwater diving, mountaineering / rock climbing, potholing or parachuting; 
• motorcycling (including riding mopeds and motor tricycles) as a driver or a passenger.

For a full explanation of the terms and conditions, please read the policy documents carefully. You can find these on the “Policy Docs” tab.

The plan is underwritten by Stonebridge International Insurance Ltd, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, register number 203188. Union Income Benefit Holdings Ltd and Stonebridge International Insurance Ltd are both members of the same group of Companies and are ultimately owned and controlled by the Parent Company Embignell Ltd, registered in England no 05871053.

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Why might I need it?

Accidents, by their very nature, can happen at any time, any place and to anyone. This Accident Protection Plan is designed to meet the needs of those who wish to have some financial protection in place should they end up in hospital as the result of an accident or if the worst were to happen, to leave money behind for their loved ones if they were to die in an accident.

The policy pays out £150,000 accidental death benefit if you, or your partner (if covered under the policy), dies as a result of accidental injury. The cash lump sum can be used for any reason – to pay bills, meet mortgage repayments, cover funeral costs and other expenses too.

The policy has a £300 per day accidental hospitalisation cash benefit should you or anyone covered by the policy be admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, following an accidental injury. This is payable for up to 180 days maximum benefit and will help compensate you for the additional expenses associated with a stay in hospital.

For example:
If you end up in hospital for 10 days following an accidental injury, the policy would pay you £3,000 cash benefit. The money can pay for any of your expenses, such as energy bills, groceries, travel, rent, or mortgage. It could even provide help around the home. This way, you will not have to worry about how you would cope financially while you are recovering in the hospital, leaving you with more time and energy to heal.

Did you know that more accidents happen in the home: